Welcome to the Website of Abu Bakr Boys School. We are an ambitious, high-performing, Islamic Boys Secondary School and we offer a tremendous range of opportunities for students to progress and achieve success academically, socially and personally.
Our School provides a nurturing, caring and supportive environment; one where we build confidence, self-esteem and respect for all as a platform for academic achievement and excellence. We believe that good discipline has a central part to play in the development of young people and so there are clear expectations of students in the classroom, in their conduct around the school and on their way to and from the school.
We are proud of the increasingly effective partnership that we foster between parents, pupils and the school community because we know that our students’ successes are enhanced when we work together and support each other in an environment of mutual respect, tolerance and self-discipline.
We are committed to a culture of high aspirations, high expectations and high standards for every pupil – not only in the form of academic achievement but also the development of character as guided by the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).We do hope you will take the time to read our latest inspection report. It is available via a link on our school website.
We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to our happy, successful and vibrant school community, insha’Allah.
Wa'alaikum Assallam
Monzoor Hussain
Head Teacher