Abu Bakr Boys School Application Form

The Admissions Process

Our schools at the Abu Bakr Trust are Islamic, Independent, outward facing schools.  We welcome pupils from all religions, backgrounds and cultures and abilities. We expect our school community to respect the Islamic ethos of our schools.

Parents are encouraged to visit our school websites where they can find further information about each of our schools. Open days provide another valuable opportunity to learn more about us and what we offer.

In Primary, most pupils join the School in Reception and in our secondary schools, via the main entry point in Year 7. We welcome mid–term admissions for pupils who wish to transfer from another school or from home schooling. We will advise parents when your child is placed on a waiting list. We do not accept applications in Years 10 and 11.

Completion of the Application Form

The application process begins with the completion of a digital application form. Prospective parents are expected to complete our school application form from the website and submit it to us electronically.  Where parents are unable to do this, we ask you to contact the school where our administrative staff will advise next steps.

All applications should be accompanied by your child’s most recent school report and a copy of the birth certificate. This should be emailed to the school’s admissions officer electronically.


Admissions Payment

Applications should be accompanied by an admissions fee of £200. This payment can be made by bank transfer or paid in person at the Primary School site. Parents are asked to provide proof of payment with their application when this has been completed by bank transfer. Applications are not considered until the admissions fee is received. No payment is taken for admissions where a pupil is placed on our waiting list.


School Reference

As part odour application process, we contact your child’s current school and request the completion of our school reference. As part of the application process, we request your consent for this stage of the process.

This allows us to gain further information about your child’s specific needs. Where required, we may contact the school to clarify information provided or seek further advice.


Admissions Assessment

All pupils from Year 7 - Year 9 undertake a reading, writing and mathematics assessment. Full details of the assessment arrangements are sent to parents well in advance. Pupils do not need to do any preparation for these assessments.


All pupils are invited for an interview, with parents.  Interviews take approximately 30 minutes and are an opportunity to meet with the Executive Head Teacher and visit the school.


Place Offer
We consider all applications and information received as part of the application process and decisions are made on the schools’ ability to provide for the needs of each pupil applying to the school. Where the school is unable to offer a place at the school, the Executive Headteacher will provide parents with feedback on their child’s application via telephone meeting, where this is required.

Parents of successful applicants will receive a firm letter of acceptance once all stages of our application process are complete.


Induction Day

An induction day is held for all pupils and an induction evening presentation to parents in the Summer term for September entry. All parents and pupils are expected to attend. Only in exceptional circumstances is absence from the induction day and parent meeting accepted.

Our Admissions Team

At each school we have an Admissions Officer who deals with all applications. Contact details can be found below.

Mr Ifran - 01922 724149

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